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Юридические примечания (английская версия)
Privacy policy pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679

This constitutes our privacy policy explaining who we are, the reasons and methods of the processing of your personal data, your rights and references to contact us.

Who we are

"Azienda Agricola Podere il Castellaccio di Alessandro Scappini" contacts and other contact details are indicated at the bottom of this privacy policy. "Azienda Agricola Podere il Castellaccio di Alessandro Scappini" is the Data Controller of the processing of the personal data processed in accordance with this policy.

The personal data subject to processing

We may process your personal data if you:
  • Are one of our customers or suppliers.
  • Request our products or services.
  • Are a person who intends to work with us for the marketing of our goods or services. In that case, we may have obtained your contact details directly from you (e.g. through our website, forwarded by mail or another source.

The personal data subject to processing

We may process the personal data that you supplied to us or that we obtained from other sources. The personal data processed by us include the following information:
  • Your name and surname.
  • Your address, telephone number, email address or other address necessary for the nature of our relationship.

Information we obtain from communications exchanged with us

We may process the data we obtain when communicating with you, including:
  • Information concerning you and provided by you communicating with us by phone, e-mail or through our website, social networks or in any other way.
  • Information that you provide us or that we obtain for the performance or supply of the goods/service.

The personal data we process when using our website

Information obtained from you when using our website and more precisely:
  • BROWSING DATA: During their normal operation, computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. These data are not gathered so it can be associated with identifiable interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and by associating it with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, failed, etc.) and other parameters about the operating system and the computer environment.
  • DATA PROVIDED BY THE USER ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS:The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this website involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, which is needed to respond to requests, and any other personal data included in the message. Specific summarised data will be progressively shown or displayed on website pages dedicated to the particular service requested.
  • OPTIONALITY OF DATA PROVISION: Except for what is specified for the navigation data, the user is free to provide the personal data reported in the request forms to our Company or otherwise indicated in contacts with the Office to request the sending of informative material or other communications. Failure to supply these data may make it impossible to obtain the information requested.

Use of your personal data

We may process your personal data to conclude and execute contracts with you to:
  • provide goods and services;
  • obtain goods and services from suppliers;
  • manage and administer our relationships with customers, suppliers;

Your data will be processed in paper form, computerized and for their protection regarding paper archives, we have adopted protection with the legislation in the same way as for computer systems.

The provision of your personal data is necessary to provide you with the products, information and services you request, failure to communicate your personal data will result in our inability to provide you with what is requested.

To whom we disclose your personal data

We may share your personal data with eligible third parties, including:
  • our external and internal collaborators, employees, professionals, our partners for carrying out assignments during the normal business activity.
  • Banking institutions for the management of payments;
  • Financial administrations, private companies, professional offices or public or private bodies for the fulfilment of regulatory obligations;
  • Companies and law firms for the protection of contractual rights.

Legal basis of the processing of your personal data carried out by us

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is as follows:
  • In the event that, in order to be authorized, it is necessary to obtain your consent to the processing in advance, we will obtain and we will base the processing in question on your consent (see below how to revoke your consent at any time).
  • Otherwise, we will process your personal data, for the fulfilment and the contractual purposes.

Place where we process your personal data

Your personal data processed by us are stored on cloud servers, as well as the processing connected to the web services of our site, and are processed only by our employees, or by designated staff, external consultants who are in charge of occasional operations of maintenance where our website is resident.

No data from the web service is communicated or disseminated. The personal information provided by users asking for informational material is used only to provide the service requested and is communicated to third parties only if this is necessary to provide the service itself.

All the personal data we process are stored securely.

Duration of personal data processing

We perform the processing of personal data only for the time required for the purposes for which they were originally collected, after which they will be deleted or archived, except to the extent that their processing continues to be necessary for us in order to comply with legal obligations which we are subjected to or for any other lawful and legitimate purpose.

Your rights

In relation to your personal data processed by us, you have the following rights:
  • You may request access to your personal data (please see the next section on how to get access to your personal data).
  • You may request the correction of personal data subject to processing that have errors.
  • In some circumstances (normally when the personal data has been provided by you and it is not necessary for us to process it anymore), you may request the cancellation.
  • Where we process personal data related to you on the basis of your consent prior to processing, you may revoke your consent at any time and, as a result of such revocation, we will terminate the processing in question.
  • You may object to the processing carried out on the basis of our legitimate interests or to send you marketing communications. In this case, the right to object to the processing of data for direct marketing purposes by means of automated contact also extends to the processing of data carried out by means of non-automated means, unless you intend to object to the processing only in part.
  • In the event of a complaint on any processing of your personal data, you may contact us or file a formal complaint with the Data Protection Authority for the protection of personal data.

How to revoke your consent to the processing

You may revoke your consent to any related processing of personal data:

How to exercise your right to access your personal data

You may exercise your right of access to your personal data:

Please note that additional information may be required to confirm your identity before providing you with the information you require.

Our contact details - how to contact us

Our full contact details are:

Azienda Agricola Podere il Castellaccio di Alessandro Scappini
Località Segalari, 102
57022 Castagneto Carducci (Li)

Telephone: +39 335 8210510

The Data Protection Authority for the protection of personal data

The Data Protection Authority for the protection of personal data is the supervisory authority in Italy. The Data Protection Authority may also provide further information on your rights and obligations in relation to your personal data, as well as managing any complaint you make regarding the processing of your personal data that we have carried out.

Changes to this privacy policy

Any changes we make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail or by our staff. Please re-check our privacy policy regularly to check for any updates or changes made to it.

Date of this privacy policy

The last update of this privacy policy was made on 25 May 2018.
© 2024 Azienda Agricola Podere il Castellaccio - Vat: 01639850492 - CIN: IT049006B5ZYV9MR5U